Friday, May 31, 2013

Members Voice 157

Executive Committee Member- John Daly 

1.Mitch Sonntag,
2. Kevin Corrigan,
3. Greg Kelty,
4. Bill Walsh
5. John " Cigars" DeFalco
6. John " Terror" Carty
7. Gerard Hanrahan
8. Peter V. Corrigan
9. Levi Messinetti
10. Pat Nee
11. Billy McKenna
12. Danny Dore
13. Kevin McCabe
14. Phil Ficara
15. Bobby Toal
16. Mike " Griff" Griffen
17. Kevin Egan
18. Anthony Casselano
19. Sean O'Neill
20. Bobby Corrigan
21.Don Foley
22.Tom Kineavy
23. George Rodriguez
24. Oliver Christopher
25. Jesse Drake
26. John Dunscomb
27. Charles McNally
28. John Paulsen
29.James Noonan
30. Vincent McGuire
31. Mike Leonard
32. Mike Murphy
33. Shane Toner
34. Pat Smolka
35. Jesse Kirchoff
36. William Davenpot
37. Dwyane DeLaurentis
38. George Wyman
39. Charles Cano
40. Matt Trangredi



  2. Since when was daly ever a real carpenter let alone a carpenter at all? Same old lies from the same old scum.

  3. Are there any "CARPENTERS" ON THIS SLATE ???

  4. starting pay for a business rep is less than 90,000 its a raise for some a paycut for others

  5. A paycut for most because they were fulltime foremen. True company asswipes. Thats where their hearts lie.

  6. Wednesday is misspelled on the flyer. Careless


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