Saturday, March 19, 2011

Walsh's Mob Corruption Probe Nets 3 More Carpenter Leaders

Informed sources say that Review Officer ("RO") Dennis Walsh investigation pertaining to organized crime influence over the affairs of the District Council has netted 3 more Carpenter leaders.

Local 157 Financial Secretary/Regional Manager Paul Capurso, and Local 926 President/Representative Joseph DiNapoli, have not signed the RO's declaration to disclose any information that they have about such conduct, and are consulting with attorneys and may invoke their privilege against self-incrimination.  

Council employees are required to cooperate with the RO in this undertaking pursuant to Paragraph 7 of the Stipulation and Order. Failure to comply with the undertaking or invocation of the right against self-incrimination may subject persons to action pursuant to Paragraph 7, which makes failure to cooperate an express violation of the Stipulation and Order, as well as Paragraphs 5.b and 5.f.

It is expected that Capurso who last year reportedly made $116,709 and recently received a huge salary increase since being named regional manager, and DiNapoli, who earned $156,327 will either be fired or will resign an informed source said.

Local 157 Organizer Andre Puerta, did not sign the declaration and resigned last week this source said. Puerta who reportedly made $153,333 last year is rumored to be married to Brian O'Dwyer's niece (O'Dwyer & Bernstein LLP) and has been well taken care of over the years seeing his salary dramatically increase since being hired as an organizer a member commented.

We also reported that Walsh sent Local 157 President/Director of Operations Lawrence D’Errico a letter late Monday vetoing D'Errico's employment as a council representative, Local 157 Vice President/Representative Anthony Pugliese was pushed into retirement because he refused to cooperate and sign the declaration and council employees Ray Brugueras, Richard Tuccillo and Paul Pietropaolo all resigned rather than sign the declaration.

That brings the total to eight council employees netted so far last week, in the RO's investigation pertaining to organized crime influence over the affairs of the District Council.

The RO said his investigation "is broad in scope and many employees (as well as persons affiliated with the Benefit Funds) can expect to be interviewed in the near future."


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