Thursday, February 14, 2013

Carpenters Rally against Financial Company’s Support of Construction Sweatshops

Construction sweatshops are operating daily in New York City and few are happy about it. On Tuesday, February 12, political and labor leaders, as well as members of the NYC District Council of Carpenters held a rally at TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund) headquarters to urge the company to stop supporting construction sweatshops.

The NYC District Council of Carpenters, and its ally, labor strategy firm, Corporate Campaign, Inc., recently launched the Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops aimed squarely at TIAA-CREF and its CEO Roger Ferguson.

The campaign’s goal is to protect workers in the construction industry, where serious injuries and economic exploitation are commonplace. To learn more visit Campaign to Stop Construction Sweatshops.


  1. Looks like Eddie McWilliams is sporting a Hitler mustache. LOL

  2. Mike Cavanaugh is the next target!

  3. I want you to take a good look around at the lack of members there, the members have NO CONFIDENCE in a leadership that themselves is enslaving there own. Take a good look at that REALITY. Dennis Walsh you dont understand therefore you dont belong. Who are the ones that we left in charge? KILLERS THIEVES AND LAWYERS!!! What are you going to do as a Union Member?

    1. Instead of attacking your own union you should be out there defending YOUR work.You armchair politicians have lots to say. Put your words to action. Talk is cheap. Remember you ARE the union.

  4. If you wanna be part of the solution help your union instead of bashing it! Post thr link to the video everywhere you can!

  5. Yeah I have sir.Im not leaving my assprint in an office chair. I just read an article about a bca contract that wont get member ratification with 20 percent cuts and no official mechanism to make local delegates accountable on how they vote. So I stand by my statement while youll go an hide in your office at the dc while I earn your paycheck.

    1. There are good carpenters out there in the non-union sector making 1/4 of what you make ($12/hr) with no bennies and you're crying. That sense of entitlement that carpenters who grew up in the union have will kill the union in the longrun. Yout think we're gonna take back marketshare without some sacrifice? Tell me Einstein, how do you convince a contractor who can get a good carpenter for $12 that he is better off spending $82.50 an hour without breaking his legs or twisting his arm?

    2. Yeah (12hr.) called illegal aliens. I pay plenty of tax to subsidize these shitbags. My senese of entitilement is that the government enforces the laws to protect the citizenry. I dont want to convince a contractor who pays 12.00 hour I only can hope he cathches tb or polio and dies. Hey maybe you tell me the answer.

  6. Whys isn't this video on the DC web site or that construction sweatshp page?


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