Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Real Members Voice


  1. Delegate body voted on cement league strike. Mitch brought in supplemental dental

  2. Heard is Kevin that setup the whole Dental thing. I didn't sign up. All the Delegates on this poster voted for a strike.

    1. No mitchs ebd members voice brought in supplemental dental. All 157 members voice delegates voted on strike

  3. Cigars has ties to Genovese crime family. Corrigans have ties to westies mentioned in Ro 8 interim report. Dont waste your vote.Vetoed

  4. Kevin Corrigan general foreman for Prince had one of Fords buddys as a traveling stewart for years that kept guys off the shopstewart reports. Kevin signed these every week .now he wants to be president of 157 until he can run for Est. Come on give me a break

  5. It would have been a good idea to have a member from the old 135, 257 or 157 on your ticket. Is this all about the old 608 or representing all members not just this ethnic cleansing going on.

  6. Why not name it the' CORRIGAN CIGAR SMOKING 608 LAPPERS TICKET?

    1. Because it is really Pat Nee's ticket.

  7. Your gateway to endless gaming excitement. Lucky Cola


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