Saturday, June 7, 2014

Court order issued yesterday by Judge Berman

Below is a Court order issued yesterday by Judge Berman in response to the letter sent to him on June 4th by the U.S. Attorney, the District Council and the Benefit Funds.

Given the significance of the proposed changes in governance and oversight of the District Council (i.e.,a proposed new Independent Monitor and proposed amended Stipulation and Order), a public hearing with a full opportunity for everyone to be heard on all the issues is both necessary and desirable. That hearing will take place in September.

The September hearing will be held on September 10, 2014 at 11:30a.m. Written comments regarding the proposed Stipulation and Order and Independent Monitor should be served and filed any time on or before August 11, 2014. The Court would appreciate and expect written comments from,among others, Mr.Walsh.


I would ask that if you would like to leave a comment that you think of Local 157 Blogspot as your online meeting hall and that you wouldn’t say anything on this site that you wouldn’t, say at a union meeting. Constructive criticism is welcome, as we all benefit from such advice. Obnoxious comments are not welcome.