The NYCDCC Benefit Funds’ Labor and Management Trustees have agreed to establish a committee that will explore the possibility of restoring some of the 2012 reductions in Welfare Fund Benefits.
“With the Welfare Fund running a surplus and an increase in our reserves, we’re in a good position to begin talking about returning vital benefits,” said Stephen McInnis, President and Executive Secretary-Treasurer Pro Tem.
McInnis added that dental, vision and lowering retirement premiums are all on the table for discussion.
A number of reasons make it the right time to begin the discussion, according to the Council. They include the settlement of master contracts; the allocations from the new contracts to the Welfare Fund; an increase in work hours coupled with the reduction of hours being reciprocated out of the Fund to out-of-towners; and the settlement of MWA litigation.
“We’d like to restore everything, but we need to do this in a fiscally responsible way to ensure the Welfare Fund stays healthy and will be there for our members and their families for decades to come. With that being said, a partial restoration is possible,” McInnis said.
The committee of trustees will work in conjunction with the Funds’ actuary, Segal Co., to ensure this is done in a sustainable manner.
Source: NYCDC
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Benefit Fund Trustees Establish Welfare Benefit-Restoration Committee
Friday, January 24, 2014
Geiger Wins Election
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Joe Geiger |
“I’d like to thank all of the brothers and sisters for their support as well as Mr. Kelty for running a spirited campaign,” said Geiger. “As the EST, I will properly fulfill the duties of this office as well as act on and promote what is in the best interest of our membership and their families.”
Geiger ran on a platform of leading the DC back to self-governance through more transparency, shop steward protections, open lines of communication and accountability. As a 30-year member, Geiger has served as president of Local Unions 1556 and the former 1536 and held positions of warden, treasurer, and trustee.
After certification of the results by the federal appointed Review Officer (RO), Geiger will be installed at the next meeting of the Delegate Body scheduled for February 12.
Monday, January 20, 2014
New York, NY- After months of heated negotiations and a strike, the New York City District Council of Carpenters’ Delegate Body on Thursday, January 16, 2014 ratified by roll call vote a new 10-year collective bargaining agreement with the Manufacturing Woodworkers Association of Greater New York (MWA), the multi-employer association that represents a dozen employers that operate shops that manufacture and install custom furniture and interior millwork.
“This has been a long, hard fight,” said Stephen McInnis, President and Executive Secretary-Treasurer Pro Tem. “But it was well worth it, given that this contract finally gives these members security and peace of mind.”
The approximately 350 members, who work for MWA employers, have been without benefits and healthcare since July 2013. The new contract retroactively returns their benefits and healthcare, plus settles existing financial obligations.
This 10-year agreement comes on the heels of stalled negotiations and a 3-week-long strike in July against the MWA. As part of this contract, the delegates also approved a settlement between the District Council, the Benefit Funds, the MWA, and the twelve MWA member-employers that resolves all outstanding benefits’ funds employer contribution delinquencies, three pending federal lawsuits, and contested arbitration awards.
By entering into these agreements the District Council aims to make its members whole for all the delinquent benefits earned during this period. Members who qualify under the plan rules will also be given retroactive medical coverage back from July 1, 2013 and going forward.
With more than 20,000 members in eight locals, the New York City and Vicinity District Council of Carpenters is one of the largest, most powerful trade unions in the construction industry.
New York, NY--The New York City District Council of Carpenters’ Delegate Body on Thursday, January 16, 2014 ratified a historic new agreement with Brookfield Properties--one of the country’s largest commercial real estate developers--that guarantees union carpenters jobs throughout New York City for the next 20 years.
“With this new agreement, the District Council is looking far into the future for our members,” said Stephen McInnis, President and Executive Secretary-Treasurer Pro Tem.
Brookfield controls 7% of all commercial office space in New York City and has plans to expand. This deal is being hailed as the first time an owner has agreed to unionize their entire portfolio anywhere in the country.
By roll call vote, the delegate body approved the Brookfield Portfolio/Project Labor Agreement, which guarantees only unionized carpenters, will work in all Brookfield properties and developments though 2034. Brookfield Properties is a commercial real estate corporation that owns, develops, and operates premier assets in the downtown cores of high-growth North American cities. The agreement covers all new construction and all interior retrofitting and tenant related work.
With a current NYC portfolio of 25-million square feet of Class A commercial real estate office space, this agreement is estimated to bring in approximately 18 million work hours to the New York City District Council of Carpenters. These numbers are also expected to increase as Brookfield acquires and develops new buildings throughout New York City--all of which is now guaranteed to be built 100% union.
“It not only guarantees our members work through the good or the bad times, this unprecedented agreement also secures hard working New Yorkers’ healthcare and pensions,” McInnis added.
With more than 20,000 members in eight locals, the New York City and Vicinity District Council of Carpenters is one of the largest, most powerful trade unions in the construction industry.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Court rules US funds are entitled to judgment against Irish woman
Fund trustees had sued Susan Reidy and her company over non-payment of sums
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The US trustees had sued Susan Reidy and Perimeter Interiors , a New York company of which she was the P president and sole shareholder, in New York over non-payment of sums |
The High Court has ruled the trustees of several New York benefit and pension funds are entitled to judgment for US$2.5m against an Irish woman who returned to Ireland in 2006 after many years living in the US.
Mr Justice Sean Ryan found the trustees of the New York District Council of Carpenters Pensions, and six other related funds, are entitled to have enforced in Ireland a judgment entered against Susan Reidy by a New York Court in August 2009.
The trustees had sued Ms Reidy and Perimeter Interiors , a New York company of which she was the president and sole shareholder, in New York over non-payment of sums due and owing by the firm to the pension and benefit funds. Ms Reidy had returned to Ireland in 2006 after some 20 years living in the US.
In opposing the application aimed at enforcing the judgment here, Ms Reidy, Kilbricken View, Doora, Ennis, Co Clare, claimed she had a bona fide defence to the claim on grounds including her claim she was not aware of the judgment against her until 2012.
In court documents, the trustees said Ms Reidy was the president, chief executive and sole shareholder of Perimeter and performed all payroll functions of Perimeter. Between 2002 and 2005, Perimeter maintained a secret bank account to avoid paying fringe benefit union contributions, to avoid taxes and to skim money, the trustees claimed.
Perimeter also made payments to a non-union company, Speedy Enterprises Inc, which shared the same business address as Perimeter, the trustees said. This was done to conceal financial activity of the unionised company through the non union company, they alleged.
Ms Reidy’s husband Gerard Mulligan was the president of Speedy and both companies had more than 20 employees in common, it was claimed.
The US Judge hearing the case found Ms Reidy had intentionally and knowingly caused Perimeter to submit false reports and information concerning the number of hours employees had worked to the unions’ benefit fund.
Ms Reidy said she was “not told” about the judgment until May 2012 and it was “a massive shock” when she learned there was a judgment of $US 2.5m against her.
In his ruling, Mr Justice Ryan found Ms Reidy had failed to advance any defence to the claim for enforcement here. She had not raised any issue of fact or law requiring determination at a full hearing, he said.
Source: The Irish Times
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Memorandum of Agreement between the NYCDCC and MWA
AGREEMENT made on this 11th day of January 2014 by and between the Manufacturing Woodworkers Association of Greater New York, Inc. ("MWA") and the New York City District Council of Carpenters (the "District Council");
WHEREAS, the parties have negotiated in good faith regarding the terms and conditions of a successor collective bargaining agreement, inasmuch as the predecessor collective bargaining agreement expired on June 30, 2013; and
WHEREAS, the parties agree that all of the terms and conditions of the predecessor agreement shall continue in full force and effect for a ten year period except as specifically modified below;
THEREFORE, the MWA and the District Council agree that all terms and conditions of the MWA & District Council Collective Bargaining Agreement ("CBA''), with the exceptions of what are included in this Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA"), shall continue except as modified below.
The District Council submits this Seventh Thirty-Day Report pursuant to (1) the Decision & Order entered on May 8, 2013 (Doc. 1315), (2) the Order entered on June 11, 2013 (Doc. 1332), (3) the Order entered on July 16, 2013 (Doc. 1358), (4) the Order entered on September 3, 2013 (Doc. 1386), (5) the Order entered on September 12, 2013 (Doc. 1394), and (6) the Order entered on October 23, 2013 (Doc. 1426), in United States v. District Council, 90 Civ. 5722 (RMB).
This report covers the period from December 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 and sets forth statistics regarding electronic job reporting and related anti-corruption compliance measures established by the District Council’s collective bargaining agreements (“CBAs”) with the Wall-Ceiling and Carpentry Industries of New York, Inc. (“WC&C”), the Building Contractors Association, Inc. (“BCA”), the General Contractors Association of New York, Inc. (“GCA”), the Floor Coverers Association of Greater New York, Inc. (“FCA”), the Contractors Association of Greater New York (“CAGNY”), and the Cement League, Inc. (“CLI”).
(John's note: The boxes at the end of Exhibits A and B show the bottom line on steward compliance. Also can someone try dissecting this report and post what it means, maybe I am stupid but I don't understand what this report is trying to say).
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Election Commentary– SAY NO TO JOE!
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He was the former President of Local 1536 where there were more laborers doing timberman's work than timbermen, as long as you had a 1536 foreman standing up doing nothing, there was no problem letting the timbermen rot on the OWL.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Question: Joe Geiger's campaign literature states "Leadership That Transforms", now where did we hear that phrase before?
Answer: From GP Douglas McCarron "Transformational Leadership"!
Vote for the person who fights for the membership. VOTE GREG KELTY!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Kelty Wins Big in Debate
Last night Greg Kelty eviscerated a unknowing and bewildered Joe Geiger. Throughout the debate, Geiger looked shaken, ill prepared, never getting out of his chair or looking at the camera, reciting old talking points and platitudes and showing a lack of knowledge and vision as Kelty gave a master class at the NYC District Council.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Today’s Court Order
John's note: The election will proceed on schedule. The ballots were mailed yesterday. The debate is tomorrow at 5 p.m. on the 10th floor at 395 Hudson Street. It will be videotaped and uploaded to the DC web site. The candidate literature for the mailing paid for by the DC has been received from Messrs. Kelty and Geiger and will be duplicated and mailed as quickly as possible. I expect that to be by Thursday afternoon or Friday at the latest.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Transcript from this morning's Court Conference.
(John's note: The RO indicated that he did not oppose a mailing paid for by the DC. Judge Berman said the same thing and asked the RO to arrange it. Though no order was issued, there will be a mailing, probably sent out by Thursday or Friday).
THE COURT: So on my agenda I have a couple of
election-related issues that people wanted to be heard on,
Mr. Tagliaferro, Mr. Nee, Mr. Kelty, and then of course I would
hear from the review officer and also from the government on
these issues.
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Geiger a fake phony fraud |
The Truth is—Joe has never once advocated for the membership or advanced any membership rights. On the contrary, Joe is a high paid 2005 Mike Forde appointed holdover who has consistently voted for and supported corrupt UBC leadership and voted against the memberships best interest.
Examples of Joe's voting record:
- June 2011: VOTED YES on all PLA jobs
- January 2012: VOTED YES to bar members from attending delegate body meetings
- August 2012: VOTED YES to Full Mobility
- April 2013: VOTED NO to send contract to membership for Ratification
We need leadership at the council that is willing to take the bull by the horns and engage in rigorous self-analysis. We need a leader with vision and a can do attitude who will step up and say we understand the problems and, with alacrity, we are going to solve them and move this DC into the modern, efficient, compliant business that must benefit our members and their families!
Vote for the person who fights for the membership. VOTE GREG KELTY!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Election Commentary
(John's note: The following was posted in the forum).
Joe tell us the truth about what is going on. Did anyone do anything wrong to the membership? How honest is the council? Your words and campaign. Honesty for a change means what happen in the past was dishonest.
Your Commitment
Restore dental and optical benefits immediately for the member and their families.
Answer: Do you understand the reason why we lost this much needed benefit . We lost this because the man hours were down due to the fact we did have out of towner's working and construction was not as busy as we would like.
Restore benefits for the retiree's with no co pay:
How do you plan on doing this, if you don't have a plan how good can it be? We all need this not just the retiree's. The membership should not be betrayed at any cost. NOT EVEN FOR THERE VOTE .
This all cost money not promises. You voted for PLA's at every contract, what this does is it takes away money that we need to help cover our expenses that we need to survive.
No more out of towners:
The international agreement is killing us. Joe again its a statement that you don't have the power to over rule. Its the International that govern this not our EST.
Apprenticeship program for our members ' children first:
Joe you are a delegate that is suppose to represent our members. How come we the members did not hear you say anything about this when it was spoken about, you have a voice. Maybe the department of labor has the final say on this and not Joe. What commitment do you have?
More Jobs!!!
Yes more jobs.. How about for the members that need them not the council reps . If the Reps had more support from there leaders maybe we can do something about putting more members to work.
NO More Pay cuts Reduce the private sector PLA's
What about no more PLA's in this city, why do you, yes Joe 100% of the time vote the PLA's in the contract .
Joe you are not hearing the membership, yes we get a raise up front but because of the PLA's we give it back plus more. Is this what I want as our EST? Once again you have a voice that is silent for the membership.
Fix the OWL system and bring accountability
How are you going to do that. You voted for full mobility on the last contract. I see how you are going to fix this problem. Its sad but true, You guys had a mailing ballot about the full mobility and the members cast there ballot about this and voted majority did not want the full mobility. When it came to a vote from the delegate body you were the one that help vote this thru.
Its Very clear to me that MR. JOE GEIGER has a commitment for himself and not the members best interest.
I ask every member who gets the chance to vote in this election do vote on what is right and protect our future. The strength of this union is the member that vote for the future. Lets be a union of one not the chosen few.
Vote for the person that is not afraid to speak their members voice. VOTE GREG KELTY!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
EST Candidate Debate Forum
EST Candidates Gregory Kelty (Local 157) and Joseph Geiger (Local 1556) will debate on Wednesday, January 8th starting at 5 p.m. and will be held on the tenth floor at 395 Hudson Street.
Review Officer (RO) Dennis Walsh has set the debate format as follows:
The RO will serve as the moderator. The debate will be video recorded by the IG's office and posted on the DC web site.
We will begin with opening statements from both Gregory Kelty and Joseph Geiger of up to five minutes. Each of you may respond to and rebut the opening statement of the other. You will have two minutes each for such rebuttal.
We will then proceed with questions from the RO that you each must answer. You will have two minutes for each answer and one minute for rebuttal.
The next segment will feature questions that you pose to each other. Timing will remain at two minutes for an answer and one minute for rebuttal.
We will then have member questions. Forms will be available for members to write down their names, UBC numbers and one question addressed to both candidates. No questions posed to just one candidate will be allowed. Members who complete such forms will place them in a box and they will be drawn at random.
Timing for the member questions will be limited to one minute answers and one minute rebuttals.
Finally, you will each be given up to five minutes to make a closing statement.